Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto
Games covering a range of academic topics including language, mathematics and science. Designed for children 9 and up, it can be used in class to introduce new concepts or at home as supplementary learning.
Interactive games targeted for elementary school children which can be played autonomously and provides resources for a wide range of subjects including math, english and art.
Tip to help teach children ages 0-9 the skills required for reading through active engagement and resources to better understand various components of language.
Interactive games in
which students have to solve word puzzles to earn clues and successfully catch monsters to save the city. The game measures written language skills designed for 5th - 8th graders.
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Classroom interface which generates personalized reading-skill games and teaches learners between K - Grade 3 foundational reading skills at their own pace.
Lalilo is a game interface that can be used in school environments. It provides personalized exercises in phonics, word recognition and comprehension for students of K-Grade 2.
K- Grade 2 students practice blending, segmenting, and manipulating words, syllables, and phonemes each day with Heggerty's effective and engaging phonological and phonemic awareness programs.
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